52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi

  1. 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Movies
  2. 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Hindi
  3. 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Kaur
  4. 52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Language

These are Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s hukams to his Sikh. Along with his 52 Hukams, these hukams also play an important role in a Sikh’s journey towards Waheguru. This is known as the Mukat-Nama, or chronicle of liberation. It is found in Sri Suraj Prakash Granth under the ithiaas of Dasam Pita. Two Singh’s Bhai Mala Singh and Bhai Lahoura Singh start arguing over a debate which one owes the other. Dasam Piat at the time is sleeping in his bed, and overhears their argument he then gets up and instructs them using a Gurmat ethos.

Dohara- Then Satguru Ji/Guru Gobind Singh Ji in
the congregation taught everyone to abandon there
sinful thinking 1.

Choupai- Now Sikhs, listen to this beautiful teaching and
make sure you follow and keep it in your mind all the time.
This is called Mukatnama, by which a person gets to
Gurpuri/ to the Guru 2.

Guru gobind singh ji की सगाई लहोर के रहने वाले भाई हरजस जी की बेटी जीतो के साथ 8 साल की आयु 1673 ई: में हुई। गुरु तेग बहादर जी की शहीदी के बाद आप ने सिख पंथ की संभाल की। जब आप.

Being a Sikh dont take any Karja/loan from someone, if you
do then pay it back with love. Don’t every listen to a lie or
speak a lie, or love a lie 3.

  1. THE 52 COMMANDMENTS. The 52 Hukams of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Set out in 1709, these edicts were a summation of the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth.
  2. The Sikhism code of conduct is based on 52 hukams or edicts issued by Guru Gobind Singh in 1708 in Nanded and sent to the Sikhs.
52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi

Being a Satsangi/member of the congregation always work
on Truth and love Truth and always speak Truth 4.

Always do your work with Truth not with hypocrisy 5.

If by telling the Truth someone will die, think over this and
hold back and fix the situation 6.

Now listen to a Gatha/story on this, there was a Brahmin
meditation. While a cow had escaped a butchers hand and
the butcher found his way looking to the Brahmin he asked
the Brahmin if he had seen the cow 7.

The Brahmin pointed in a direction, the butcher found it and
killed the cow. Before telling the Truth like the Brahmin think
it over because you might be committing a sin 8.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh in punjabi movies

All other works in the world do them with love and Truth. Also
for a Sikh never eat off another’s plate or food eaten by someone
else and for a Sikh don’t have so much love of money and be greedy 9.

Also a Sikh should share the Prashad/holy pudding. Also don’t sit
for a long time without your turban, also never taste anything
without your turban 10.

Read Jap Ji Sahib and Jaap Sahib and say the name of the Guru
and before eating say Tav-prasid/your blessings. Also, don’t keep
thinking of women 11.

Dohara- And don’t think of what others have, don’t eat kuthaa/meat
slaughtered in the muslim way and don’t eat paltu/ pigs 12.

Choupai- Always be clean after using the bathroom, clean the
hands, feet,and face. Then if there is time left before the night
is over take a bath 13.

Take a bath with cold water, if you cant then take it with warm
water. Don’t ever eat or go through the whole day without taking
a bath 14.

A person who eats without taking a ishnaan/bath is guilty.
The Sikhs have there own Rehit/code of conduct different from
the four different varaan/castes 15.

Always work with everyone, and follow the Sikh way and stay way
from tobacco, dont wear red clothes, or dress in different fashions,
being trendy 16.

Don’t put on any eyeliner during the day, Don’t sleep with your
clothes off. Don’t be without clothes 17.

Always Simran/remember God and before falling asleep Path/read
Keertan Sohila, by doing so many difficulties will be destroyed 18.

Dohara- A Sikh should be Amrit Sakay/baptized and follow the whole
teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. A Sikh should not decide to
switch to a different path 19.

A Sikh should feed another Sikh who is firm in his faith and always
follow the teachings of the religious books 20.

Choupai- A Sikh should not let his son or wife be in bad company.
A Sikh should Say Waheguru day and night. Everyday wake up
and do the house work 21.

A Sikh shouldn’t keep thinking of what he has and should eat a little bit of
Prasad/holy pudding, that the ardasi/praying Singh passes out 22.

Whoever is passing out the Prasad/holy pudding, let him give evenly
to everyone and not make a distincation of who he’s giving to, if he
doesn’t that prasad/holy pudding will cause disease 23.

If a Sikh is eating, let him not get up until he eats all his food. If he
gets up then let him not eat anymore of the food 24.

A Sikh should stay away from Turk, Turkni. A Sikh should never
doubt another Sikh and think the four varan/castes as his brothers
and should serve them 25.

Other Bakan/groups who read there scriptures over there food,
dont eat that food or worship Sitla/. Know that the Turks are a
disease. Dont ever eat anything that the Kalma/muslim prayer
are read over 26.

Know that a Brahmin who is just putting on a appearance is a thieve.
Stay away from a Sikh who is leading people astray. Also, dont keep
company of women who in marriage cheated on there husbands 27.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh in punjabi kaur

Dont delay on leaving these kinds of people. Also, when making
Prasad/holy pudding make sure you take a bath and are clean and
the area is clean too, make sure that all the ingredients are put in evenly 28.

Make sure you are reading Jap Ji Sahib when preparing Prasad/holy
pudding and a Ardas/prayer should be said over the Prasad/holy
pudding, make sure you are standing up when praying 29.

Dohara- The reason your making the Prasad/holy pudding is only
accepted if done in full faith. Whoever has full faith in the Guru in
this life will be happy in the next 30.

Choupi- Dont ever say half of a Sikh’s name without the Singh or
Kaur added on. If someone does he will be punished. A Sikh
should not be with other women besides his wife 31.

A Sikh should not sleep in the morning or afternoon, because he
might get lazy. A Sikh should always have his hair tied up. A
Sikh should give ten percent to Guru Ji 32.

A Sikh should brush his teeth and bow to Gurbani and read it.
A Sikh should not marry from his mother or fathers side of the
family. A Sikh should be friends with other Sikhs 33.

These are the signs of a Sikh, a Sikh should have full faith in the
Guru. If a Sikh dies prepare Karah Prasad/holy pudding, his family
should not cry 34.

A Sikh should leave all pain and be in bliss. When a person dies
let not the women meet and hit themselves and cry out loud. He
should read Gurbani/Guru’s Word and do Keertan/hymn singing
and listening to Keertan feel detached from the world 35.

He should invite Amritdhari/baptized Sikhs and prepare food for
them, also give them clothes. A Sikh should not follow the way
of the Vedas/hindu scripture 36.

A Sikh should discard the practices of the vedas/hindu scriptures
and keep his hair uncut and respect them all the time. If someone
doesn’t keep his hair know that he is a bad person 37.

He will be beaten by the Jams/ and he will go to hell. Khas/hair is
the Gurus Stamp, respect them as you respect the Guru 38.

Whoever cuts his hair, leave them dont even drink water out of there
hands. If someone gives him something to eat or drink he will also be
in sin 39.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh in punjabi language

A Sikh should never be friends with a Turk. A Sikh should not follow
the customs and practices of the Turks. All the sins done during birth
of a child or during someones death, a Sikh should ask forgiviness for
them. This is the Path of Truth 40.

A Sikh should not eat from the hands of a Mona/a person who has his
hair cut. A Sikh should not worship stones and drink the water there
washed from. A Sikh should be against Varanashram/castes, saying
that someone is of a high or low caste 41.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh in punjabi kaur

Dohara- A Sikh should not follow customs or practices of a caste or
other practices of people or worship gods and goddesses. A Sikh
should only trust his Guru and have full faith in him 42.

A person who is born in the Guru’s family, even the vedas say they
are great. Kings, Saints, and charitable people should be treated
with respect 43.

Sinners and people who read the Vedas/hindu scripture but don’t
practice them are crying. Also, someone who turned his back on
his Guru he is also crying 44.

52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Movies

If a person comes into Sikhi, he should love the Guru’s Word. A
Sikh listening to the teachings of the Guru should practice them 45

Choupai- Guru Ji will bless them and give them a even bigger
greatness then Shiv Ji, Dhatta Tray, Ramanuj, Gorakh and Muhammad 46..

Like when it rains and the land bears much fruit. Guru Ji will bless
us like that fully 47.

52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Hindi

Beloved Sikhs listen to this teaching of the Mukatnama. While bathing
in Muktsar read this work. If he does he will be free from his bad deeds
and when he dies he will go to Gurpuri/heaven 48.

Whoever listens to the Guru’s teachings in this work, will get free from
the birth and death. A person who lives a good life according to the
Guru’s Word, he will be free from sins and be liberated 49.

52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Kaur

A person who is worldly, is like a fish caught in a net. They should not
be listened too, only listen to what the Guru has said 50.

52 Hukams Of Guru Gobind Singh In Punjabi Language

Guru Ji taught this teaching to Bhai Lahoura Singh, Bhai Nand Singh
and everyone else there and they were in bliss 51.